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Maybe you’re not so good with your finances.  Perhaps maintaining healthy relationships are difficult for you or maybe you are someone who put up walls to keep others from getting too close.  And now you’ve reached the point where you really can’t stand yourself, but you can’t hide from yourself.

You’re there and you’re the one who matters most.  You are worth fighting for.  Be brave enough to do the things it takes to push yourself to greatness – how ever that looks for you.  You’re the one who has to look in the mirror each day and hold yourself accountable.  So what’s stopping you from loving the person you see?

If you don’t know, take the time to figure it out.  Write down your hopes, dreams and desires.  List your strengths, weaknesses and then write out your goals, again. Who cares if you’ve done it ten times before!  Aren’t you worth doing it again, and again, and again until you get it right?

Guess what? Prince Charming is not coming to save you from you! He’s. Not. Coming!  Value yourself and you will realize you do not need someone to save you from you.  Once you reach this realization and embrace who you are, you will be amazed at who and what comes your way.
